Saturday, 26 February 2011

Stage One - CashShare System


 You need to come up with a hobby or interest that you like talking about. It can be absolutly anything, from football to ballet to stamp collecting. Now I know what you are going to think. Theres already loads of information out there about my interest. Let me tell you it really doesn't matter! I am going to show you very simple ways of finding plenty of people. When you use my methods your earnings are going to increase every month.


Ok so once you have got an idea for what hobby or interest you are going to write about, you need to sign up with the link below. Now, before you wonder, that is actually an affiliate link to my own sharecash account. This means that when you join through that link you will actually join my team. This does not affect your earnings in any way, and in fact by joining my team I provide even better tips and tricks. I give this all for free to members in my team. Why? because by helping you to make money I actually help myself. So it is in my interest to make sure you get all the right tools to earn decent money.

So click on the link below to start your journey and send me an email telling me your affiliate name. I will then send you step by step instructions to follow to get plenty of downloads and affiliate cash.
My email:


So how does sharecash work?
It's very simple. You create a word document, pdf file or image and upload it to sharecash. Then just get as many people to download it as possible.

 This is all you need to worry about. Typically you will earn around $0.30-$0.60 per download. It doesn't sound much, but if you can get 100 people downloading a day thats $30+ a day, every day. Get 1000 downloads and that's $300+ per day. When you follow my steps this will be easy. Just don't go out forcing people to download. It might work in the beggining but it will not last. What we want to achieve is getting plenty of free traffic and people that actually want to download it.

 So just follow these steps and you will succeed.

 First create a pdf or word document on your hobby or interest. Make a catchy title like "The 10 Best Ways to Make Money Online" or "The Top 10 Most Collectible Stamps". It needs to give the impression that the information is going to be easy to read, easy to understand and tells them what they want.

 Then you just simply fill out the details of what your title is about. Include some pictures too. A little bit of care and attention will go along way.

 Create one document/file for the time being. You can of course make more and go all out on this. It's up to you, but I would suggest you just make one for now and complete all the steps. Then come back to this step and rinse and repeat.


 Now you need to promote these and start getting them downloaded. You only need to get 1000 downloads per day to make around $300 per day. Your first target though should be $30 per day. Thats around 100 downloads, but probably much less if you use adsense, another affiliate product and the extra pay from article sites.

 Now you need to create a 'base camp': Somewhere that you talk about your hobby/interest and have a link to your sharecash download file. Use any free service you can, even The point is you don't ever have to pay for a website. This is all free. It works just as well, so avoid unneccesary costs.

 In your 'base camp' do some keyword research to find out the best title and words to use. This helps your google rank, meaning more traffic. But dont worry if you dont understand this, there are other more important things you can do that are easier.

 Ok so create your 'base camp' by writting about your topic or interest. Make short points and highlight titles and include some pictures. Try to make sure it has at least 500 words. Then make sure you have at the very most two links to your downloads. Dont put them everywhere saying 'download this now!'. Just craft them into your words.

Every week just make a new post, or even better every day. Also make sure to get a google adsense account, and put just one google advert block in your blog. This will also give you money from people clicking on google adverts on your blog. Cool eh?

 Now we need to start getting people to go to your blog. You can get traffic from:

  • Google Search Listings (Natural Traffic)
  • Articles (Direct Traffic)
  • Links at other places (Direct traffic)
  • All other search engines (Natural Traffic)

No one method is better than the other. You want people coming from all directions. But you also want them to stay and come back to your base camp. This will work as long as you write short and sweet informative posts, with some pictures every so often.


Ok so you have your base camp up.

 Now we need to start promoting that 'base camp'. Use all of the article sites below to make articles about your topic. Then make sure you put just one or two links to your 'home base' in there.

Use these aticle sites:

Create 2 nice looking articles there with over 400 words each. Now there is a triple bonus with using these sites, so it is well worth the time. You will get:
  1. Direct Traffic to your base camp
  2. Boost your google rank on your base camp = more traffic
  3. An even earn money at those article sites themseleves from revenue share!
 Now you wont earn loads with those sites directly from the revenue share to begin with. But in time that will increase as you create more and more articles, all the time sending even more traffic to your base camp. So as you can see your building a solid base ready to reap the benifits from all angles! Also remember to inter-link these articles with each other.

 The other way to promote your base camp is to submit to article directories. A word of warning though: Do not use auto submission services, because if you get too many links too fast it will have a negative impact on your site. So do them all manually and just with the high ranking ones.


Thats it! well... it can be. But if you really want to push the boat out then keep creating more articles, more documents/pdf files of other stuff. In fact why not start doing a completely new topic?

 Also keep posting to your base camp.

 If you wanted to go even further to get traffic, make some youtube videos and put these videos in all other video sharing sites, not just youtube. These are actually working better and better as the internet grows.


  • Keep GOING, it will take some time at first, but then suddenly your earnings will explode
  • Keep writting new content
  • Keep creating links to your base camp
  • In your top 10 article/document why not provide another affiliate link in that to another source?
  • Dont ever try to hard sell, try to give people what they want

'Focus on the activity and the results will come...'

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