Saturday, 26 February 2011

Summary Of How To Get $30 Per Day

First Target = $30 Per Day

Stage One - Sharecash 
Stage Two - Affiliate Product
Stage Three - Get Traffic

     I am not anything special, I have no qualifications, university degrees or special training. So if I can do this, then anybody else can. In fact, I am actually making it easier for you because I am telling you what works, and what doesn't.

    It does not matter how long it takes you to complete these stages. Just take it in your stride. Some people may have 5 hours a week. Others may have 40+ hours. Just do what you can.

     You would be suprised how many people start the steps, then stop half way through. Months later, for whatever reason, they go back to look at their sharecash, affiliate and adsense accounts and to their suprise they have actually built up a nice amount of money. Considering the little work they did, they then regret giving up.

     So this is for like-minded people that can see the big picture, and understand that by doing little and often, they will establish themselves as a full time affiliate, where your earning potential is not capped.  

     So always remember these points:

    • Do as little or as much as you like per week
    • Do not over-complicate it, keep it simple
    • Your earnings will go up over time
    • Eventually you will earn while you sleep
    • Not everyone believes they can do it, but if I can do it, you most deffinatly can
    • Don't become one of the people that wish they didn't give up
    And finally:

    Everything you do is FREE!!!

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